Ion Cleanse Detox Foot Bath

Making a Difference in Your Health

Ioncleanse Information

Today we are exposed to the greatest toxic load in the history of our planet and ongoing periodic detoxification is essential to maintain health and avoid disease.

The IonCleanse, in combination with a healthy, low-stress lifestyle, provides a thorough and efficient way to maintain high energy levels and long term wellness.

We believe the IonCleanse detoxifies the body more effectively and faster than any herbal or fasting protocols, with little or no stress to the patient.

Used properly, the IonCleanse provides a comfortable and relaxing way to rid the body of toxins without precipitating healing crises.

A typical detoxification program consists of:

  • 12 visits at 3 times a week for 4 weeks the patient then takes a 2 week break
  • 1 time a week for 12 weeks, follow by one Foot bath a month for 12 months.

This protocol will maximize the Ion cleanses benefits. We do offer Individual visit and multi visit packages so please feel free to contact us about those options

What to Expect

Healthy individuals can expect to feel lighter and experience a greater sense of well being from each IonCleanse session.

Colors and Objects in the Water

Many colors and objects appear in the water during IonCleanse sessions. There is a reaction between the toxins and particles in the water, the salt added to the water, the metals in the array, and the acidity or alkalinity of the person being bathed.

All of these combine to produce color, whether or not feet are in the water. The basic color produced by these reactions varies from one geographic area to another.

It is important to understand that the water will change color even if the unit is operating without feet in the water.

The basic color change is a result of the reaction between all of the variables in the water and the array, as discussed above.

This color change will vary in accordance with the toxic and chemical components of the water and air given a particular geographical area.

The toxins in our bodies will look the same as the toxins predominant in a specific area; however, there will be more toxic particles in the water with feet in it.

You will also find that water-based toxins will not stick to the side of the bucket and array, whereas substances pulled from the body will form a sticky ring that must be removed with a detergent.

However, through many tests, we have found that the residue in the bucket is easily rinsed off if the unit operates without feet in the bucket.

In addition, the residue produced while a person’s feet are bathed has been found to stick to the bucket and cling to the array.

The bucket will then require some type of scouring powder or soap in order to be thoroughly cleaned.

We have also found that a person’s detoxification session will override the geographical toxicity of the water.

Based on EAV (Electro Acupuncture by Voll) testing, the following table shows what we believe the colors in the water to represent:

Color or Particle Material or Area of the Body
Yellow-green Detoxifying from the kidney, bladder, urinary tract, female/prostate area
Orange Detoxifying from joints
Brown Detoxifying from liver, tobacco, cellular debris
Black Detoxifying from liver
Dark green Detoxifying from gallbladder
White foam Lymphatic system
White cheese-like particles Most likely yeast
Black flecks Heavy metals
Red flecks Blood clot material

We have also seen parasites, pinworms, and smelly purple mucous from a person on dairy allergy medication.

We have experienced various rancid odors which, if you have more than one unit operating in your office, will require an ionizer to neutralize.

Regional Toxicity

Water, metal and salt will combine to produce a light water color change, as well as objects in the water even without feet being submerged.

The IonCleanse neutralizes toxins in the water the same way it neutralizes toxins in the body.

The predominant color of the de-ionized water is determined by the chemicals used by local water authorities in combination with the pollutants common to that area.

In Denver, Colorado, the predominant water color is orange; in Phoenix, Arizona it is orange-brown; in parts of Texas it is brown; yellow-green in Boise, Idaho.

Chinese acupuncturists understand the concept of regional toxicity as it relates to the ailments that predominate in a given area.

Some areas of the country have higher joint complaints, while others report a higher frequency of kidney-bladder problems.

Could it be that the toxins peculiar to an area gravitate toward a specific part of the body causing it to break down?

As a general rule, regional toxins contribute 20-40% of the residues found in the water after a footbath. The black flecks can be created by heavy metals in the bath water as well as deterioration of the metal in the array.

Experience and the observations discussed above will help you determine what is coming from the patient and what is coming from the array.

How the IonCleanse Works

Generating Ions

An ion is a charged atom that has gained or lost an electron which creates a magnetic field capable of attaching to and neutralizing oppositely charged particles. These neutralized particles are extracted from the body through the process called osmosis.

Osmosis is a scientific term that is used to describe the movement of particles through a membrane from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration. In this case, the higher concentration refers to the ion field that is set up by placing the array into the water while running the unit.

The array is placed into the water alongside the hands, feet, or body while the power supply delivers a low level direct current to the array. This causes the metals within the array in combination with water and salt to generate positively and negatively charged ions by separating oxygen and hydrogen in the water.

The practitioner determines the polarity setting through the use of litmus paper (pH strips) or muscle testing. We speculate that ions generated by the IonCleanse travel through the body attaching themselves to a multitude of toxic substances, thereby neutralizing their positive or negative charge.

It may be possible to reduce pain and other symptoms caused by a lifetime of toxic buildup in the body (assuming the symptoms are caused by toxic buildup). The long-term effectiveness of the IonCleanse detoxification process depends on other life-enhancing changes a person is willing to make.

The Meaning of Positive and Negative

For the purpose of IonCleanse discussions, positive and negative relate to electrical rather than chemical phenomena.

When the IonCleanse is set to positive, the current is directed to the positive pole, which results in the production of more negative ions in the water. Therefore, a positive polarity generates a negative ion flow which, we believe, raises blood pH from acidic toward alkaline.

When the IonCleanse is set to negative, the current is directed to the negative pole, which results in the production of more positive ions in the water. Therefore, negative polarity generates a positive ion flow which, we believe, lowers blood pH from alkaline toward acidic.

Approximately 95% of people in this culture experience a state of acidity; that is, their bodies contain an excess of hydrogen ions, and their blood pH is lower than 7.45. These people will greatly benefit from exposure to high concentrations of negatively charged ions.

Owever, we have found through muscle testing that most people prefer a mixture of positive and negative ions in each IonCleanse session.


Anyone who falls into one or more of the categories listed below should not use the IonCleanse system:

A person that has a pacemaker or any other battery operated or electrical implant

Individuals who do not respond to a muscle test or who test weak to both polarities in the water with the unit turned on

  • Any person who is on heartbeat regulating medication
  • Any person who has had an organ transplant
  • Any person who is taking a medication, the absence of which would mentally or physically incapacitate them, e.g., psychotic episodes, seizures, etc.

In addition, the following recommendations should be strongly considered:

Many medications require that a blood level be maintained in order to be effective, such as blood pressure medication.You may be able to schedule an IonCleanse session just before the administering of medication so that the patient or client can maintain proper blood levels.

Make sure that patients with low blood sugar have eaten before an IonCleanse session. The IonCleanse tends to lower blood sugar in diabetics and may do so with those who are hypoglycemic.

It is best not to bathe pregnant and lactating women because the IonCleanse will pull toxins out of tissues and fat. These toxins could impair fetal development and will become part of the milk that is fed to a newborn infant.

Note: Pregnant and lactating women have used the IonCleanse without harm; however, we recommend staying on the safe side and not bathing these patients or clients.

As a general rule, you can use the IonCleanse with patients on dialysis, taking insulin, or experiencing congestive heart failure.

Gentle detoxification will help the body eliminate toxins which the kidney and heart cannot eliminate on their own, but will not interfere with medications or deplete insulin levels.

You can probably work with people who have had a metal joint implant, but some have found the exposure to an electromagnetic field to be too uncomfortable. If the patient feels uncomfortable, stop the treatment immediately.